Ashley and Chris recently had a beautiful wedding in picturesque Holland, Michigan; so I thought I'd show off their custom blue and chocolate Pocketfold invitations! It was very important to them that their invites featured something very symbolic to them...turtles! After playing around with a lot of ideas to incorporate their theme, I finally settled on a beautiful little damask pattern that cleverly featured tiny sea turtles.
Directions, Reception, and Response cards were designed to stack together in the pocket to create one seamless pattern!
The back of their directions card included this custom map featuring an adorable little windmill to mark the location of their ceremony and reception!
I also created a monogram for them featuring the same sea turtle which was used on many of their printed items: A seal to hold their invitation folders closed, save the dates, table numbers, a wonderful seating chart (
stay tuned for more about this!), and fan programs. (The fans came in quite handy for their outdoor summer ceremony!)